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Phthelia (Myconos)

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Phthelia (Aegaei australis physicalis )
Situs in Graecia

Phthelia, Neograece Φτελιά (f. sg.), est locus archaeologicus neolithicus intimo sinu Panormi ad oram maritimam borealem insulae Graecae Myconi situs. Ibi repertum est oppidum culturae quae "Salianci" appellatur.

Ad eundem locum peregrinatores hodierni, casis locatis, amoena litoris petunt.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Cyprian Broodbank, An Island Archaeology of the Early Cyclades (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 2002) p. 50 et alibi (Paginae selectae apud Google Books)
  • Francesca Megaloudi, Philippe Marinval, "Données préliminaires sur l'économie végétale du site de Ftelia, Cyclades (Grèce) au néolithique récent" in Adamantios Sampson, The Neolithic Settlement at Ftelia, Mykonos (Rhodi: University of the Aegean, 2002. ISBN 9789608719705) pp. 191–200
  • F. Megaloudi, P. Marinval, A. Sampson, "L'alimentation néolithique a Mykonos" in Archeologia no. 396 (2003) pp. 58-65
  • Nellie Phoca-Cosmetatou, "Economy and Occupation in the Cyclades during the Late Neolithic: the Example of Ftelia, Mykonos" in N. J. Brodie, Jenny Doole, Giorgos Gavalas, edd., Horizon; a colloquium on the prehistory of the Cyclades (Cantabrigiae: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2008) pp. 37–43
  • Adamantios Sampson, The Neolithic Settlement at Ftelia, Mykonos. Rhodi: University of the Aegean, 2002. ISBN 9789608719705 De hoc libro[nexus deficit]
  • Adamantios Sampson, "The Architectural Phases of the Neolithic Settlement of Ftelia on Mykonos" in N. J. Brodie, Jenny Doole, Giorgos Gavalas, edd., Horizon; a colloquium on the prehistory of the Cyclades (Cantabrigiae: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 2008) pp. 29-36

Nexus externi

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